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I love this cream, my skin is itchy and cracked, after using this cream, it sooooo goodddd
Love this cream and thanks it so much
Great product. Have recommended to friends. Wish I had known about it sooner. Just ordered the serum. Hope it works as well as the natural cream.
I'm not sure why this product is not more widely known. I've experimented with a menu of skin products over the coarse of 40+ years and have never found a skin product to be more effective. I've suffered with cracked cuticles all my life till now. I'm cured! Amazing product and coarse will continue to buy forever.
I always thought my problem is incurable until I used N’vive Cream. To my surprise, the symptoms disappeared quickly by the third day. Now, I used on a daily basis, and the symptoms never come back. It helps me feel comfortable during the day, and sleep better at night.
Seeing is believing. I used to be a very skeptical kind of person. I wanted to judge the result by my own. Therefore, I tested the cream only on one of my legs. After about one week of the treatment, I compared my two legs and wow! I couldn’t believe my eyes. The difference is like day and night. I am a believer now
My feet are so much smoother thanks to N’Vive cream. I am also using the N’Vive serum and it has been helping to fade the dark spots on my skin. I will continue to use the products
I had cracks/itches on my left hand palm for a couple of years. It bothered me every morning and throughout the day. Last year, I tried the N’Vive cream, and after 2-3 months of applying the cream, the itching is gone forever! It is so effective and such a relief. Now I have an N’Vive cream tube everywhere I can reach…in the bathroom, computer table, at work. Thank you very much!
N’Vive is amazing! From the first time of use, I could feel and see a huge difference on my heels. I was so embarrassed to wear open heeled shoes, but not after using N’Vive! It has a menthol smell that goes away within minutes, but it leaves you with smooth, healthy skin!
I wanted to report on my fabulous success with N’Vive skin treatment cream. Almost every part of my body looks smoother from my heels, legs, arms, elbows, and on that spot on my wrist you told me to apply N’Vive cream on. Also, my daughter Lori has real bad cracks on her feet so I gave her a sample, along with my sister-in-law. Thanks for everything!
I love N’Vive products. My legs and feet feel amazing, almost as if I have new skin. This product has made my legs and feet look younger and more attractive. Thank you so much for recommending N’Vive. From now on, this is what I will use. Thanks again
I have been using the N’Vive healing cream and I have been very happy with the results. I have referred it to my family and we all have outstanding results. After 5 days, the issues with cracked, dried skin were fully healed
Living in California, I love wearing sandals. However, my heels started to dry and crack and I started to get embarrassed of other people seeing it. After using the cream, it’s helped me a lot. It’s one of the best products to use for dry skin with quick results. I am no longer scared of people seeing my feet because they look good!
I can’t live without N’Vive Cream. My brother, sisters, and I grew up with itchy skin. We would sit and scratch each other because we were so itchy. Whenever I go with my dad to buy the N’Vive bottles, I ask him to buy a lot because I need it. I need a lot of it!
All 4 of my kids are affected with eczema since they were born. My oldest is 18, second is 17, third is 13, and my youngest is 12. I was spending thousands of dollars a month for medication that was hardly working. Now, every couple months when I am in the Orange County area, I order boxes of the N’Vive Cream to bring home to my kids. They love it because it works. It used to be really bad. Their skin would dry up and they’d scratch and scratch and scratch to the point of bleeding. My family and I are grateful for this product.
I used to be so embarrassed with my cracked heels. I’m Buddhist, so I would have to take off my shoes whenever I went into the temple to pray. I could wear socks, but I wear high heels due to work. I would try to hide my heels so no one see. Now that I am using N’Vive cream, my cracked heels are healed and I am no longer embarrassed of them. I am more confident with my feet than ever!
I had eczema when I was kid and every now and then, during the winter, the red spots would appear again. I tried various products and none of them worked. My mom was using the N’Vive Cream for her dry skin, so she started to apply the cream on my thighs and arms to see if it would work. To my surprise, the red spots started to disappear and it got a lot better. Every morning now, I ask her to apply the cream on me. I like wearing skirts to school and I get embarrassed if anyone sees the red marks on my skin. Thanks to N’Vive cream, I don’t have to worry as much anymore.
I have been using N’Vive Natural Cream for a while now. My brother introduced it to me when I told him I had cracks on the side of my toes. Working in a nail salon, it is important to have nice hands and feet for the customers to trust your services. I only have to apply it once a day and now, both of my feet are smooth and beautiful. I love it!
Dear Jackie,
我觉得很有必要把我此刻的感受写出来,我真心感谢N’VIVE,感谢您给我寄来了N’vive 的Natural Healing Cream,说实话,真的不知道效果会如此好。我妈妈也非常感谢N’vive 的Natural Healing Cream,因为4年以来我妈一直过着脚痒痛不堪的日子。
四年前,我妈妈的脚周跟开始起一些红色的点点,一粒粒的样子,有一些痒痒的感觉,于是就去看医生,基本看过的医生都会说我妈妈身子虚弱,缺钙之类的话,并且开一些药膏来擦,可是都没有完全好,还是有痒,后来变得更加严重了,不但痒,还痛,然后还开始脱皮,就好像皮肤严重缺水一样,脚趾和脚趾周围都严重脱皮到可以看到红色的肉,看上去极其恐怖,后来我想起来N’vive 的Natural Healing Cream有这个功效,我想不妨试试,于是立马通过快递寄回家给我妈妈,我妈妈用了几天,脚趾的皮看上去没那么干,脱皮得到了控制,我妈妈坚持每天睡觉前擦一次,直到现在,也就是两个多月的时间,我妈妈的脚完全好了~~真的好神奇,我真的好开心,因为把一直困扰我妈妈的疼痛解决了,终于可以看到妈妈舒展的眉头。
于是我也开始用N’vive Natural Healing Cream来擦我自己的手指和脚,因为一直以来我搞不清楚的是我的手指周边和脚趾周边和脚后跟为什么很干,好像一年四季都会这样,还会脱皮(当然,不会像我妈妈的脚那么严重),所以夏天的时候很郁闷,因为别人的脚好像好漂亮,而我的脚好像严重缺水,很干很干,干的白白的好难看,于是我睡觉前就开始擦N’vive Natural Healing Cream,其实我个人不怎么喜欢擦乳液的,因为粘粘的,但是N’vive Natural Healing Cream不会那样子,很快就会被皮肤吸收了,然后味道又很好闻。我没有每天擦,大概两天擦一次,现在我的手指周边不会干的起白皮,脚趾周围也没有脱皮了。
现在,我妈妈都开始把N’vive Natural Healing Cream介绍给家里的一些同龄及老人们,因为乡下的老人手脚比较粗糙,有些也是裂的比较严重,我很希望越来越多的人可以用到N’vive Natural Healing Cream,因为效果真的好好,真心希望越少的人可以Ð
Hello Kathy. I love Nvive product my legs and feet feel amazing, almost as if i have new skin. this product has made my legs and feet look younger and more attractive. Thank you so much for recommending Nvive from now on this is what I will use.
Thanks again Mimi.
I always thought my problem is incurable, until I used N’vive Cream. To my surprise, the symptoms disappeared quickly by the third day. Now, I used on a daily basis, and the symptoms never come back. It helps me feel comfortable during the day, and sleep better at night...
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